Day 33 - 6/17/08
Start - Colorado River Headwaters
End - Steamboat SpringsMileage
65 miles
We rolled out around 8:30 am or so after a stellar b-fast of granola and hot chocolate. After descending to Radium, we started the vicious climb out for the next 15 miles. I thought that Colorado knew how to grade their roads, but not here. So after a shoulder, back, and of course leg wrenching 4 hours, we were only like 20 miles into the day. Then we had a nice river ford across Rock Fork Creek- the first time I tried to just walk across with Uncus, but we were both in jeopardy of being swept downstream, so I went back, took off the panniers, and carried the bags and bike across separately. After thawing out the legs and feet we moved onto to Lynx Pass for lunch. Then came the nice part- 35 miles of rolling/flat into Steamboat. A nice reward after the slogfest earlier on the climbs. So we made it to Steamboat around 5:30pm or so. I grabbed a Big Sky Brewing Company IPA, and waited for Mark. We ate a quick dinner and then went to.....Indiana Jones movie, accompanied by four 90 minute Dogfish IPA beers! Spectacular outing. After the movie, we indulged in a litt
le ice cream (I hit the store for soy ice cream) and then had to find a place to sleep. So I think we're in an empty lot a mile or so up Fish Creek Road. We are just kinda camping a little bit discretely and I'm sure it'll work out. We'll be up early to hit a coffee shop or something. I've got a package of calories to pick up and I bet we get out by about 11 or 12. The legs could use the morning off after today. Only 2 days left until Wyoming, crazy times.
Start - Colorado River Headwaters
End - Steamboat SpringsMileage
65 miles
We rolled out around 8:30 am or so after a stellar b-fast of granola and hot chocolate. After descending to Radium, we started the vicious climb out for the next 15 miles. I thought that Colorado knew how to grade their roads, but not here. So after a shoulder, back, and of course leg wrenching 4 hours, we were only like 20 miles into the day. Then we had a nice river ford across Rock Fork Creek- the first time I tried to just walk across with Uncus, but we were both in jeopardy of being swept downstream, so I went back, took off the panniers, and carried the bags and bike across separately. After thawing out the legs and feet we moved onto to Lynx Pass for lunch. Then came the nice part- 35 miles of rolling/flat into Steamboat. A nice reward after the slogfest earlier on the climbs. So we made it to Steamboat around 5:30pm or so. I grabbed a Big Sky Brewing Company IPA, and waited for Mark. We ate a quick dinner and then went to.....Indiana Jones movie, accompanied by four 90 minute Dogfish IPA beers! Spectacular outing. After the movie, we indulged in a litt
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