Day 39 - 6/24/08
Start - Rainbow Festival
End - 15 miles beyond Pinedale, WY
Mileage - ~65 miles
We ended up making it out of the Rainbow festival and back to the main trail around 11am or so this morning. We got some awesome pancakes and french-vanilla flavored coffee at the Magic Bowl kitchen. The food is just awesome there. I guess when there's beautiful land, free food, and great people to meet- you can understand why people live there for a month or so at a time. The next 40 miles to Boulder, WY flowed like butter- we ate lunch there and moved on to Pinedale. I picked up my package- yay! Now I've got my passport so I can get into Canada- oh yeah. Also met another Tour Divide Racer - Adrian. He's doing the race vegan- quite impressive. I now indulge in the world of dairy, but my vegan ways shall return once I get home. After shopping and doing the putzy stuff we went to a bar to grab some food. Anticipating that there would be nothing living up to my food snobbery standards, I bought a watermelon for consumption with plans of cooking dinner later on at camp. Well, I was sucked into the vortex of the boca burger and $1 draft PBRs. Couldn't resist- and three beers later at 7:15pm I was rolling down the road cursing the extra 10 lbs of watermelon on my back. We moved on another 15 miles or so, and the watermelon was delicious! I still have half left for the morning and vow to never carry out a watermelon from town again. It was has been a great few days and we should be in the Tetons in two days. Should prove to be amazing. Reading/sleepy time. Laterz.-Stewie-
Start - Rainbow Festival
End - 15 miles beyond Pinedale, WY
Mileage - ~65 miles
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