Day 40 - 6/25/08
Start - beyond Pinedale
End - Hwy 287 at Aspen Meadow Hostel
Mileage - ~65 miles
The morning started off rather unique with a bunch of horses approaching us. We were stuck on a road section around 9:30pm, so we ended up sleeping in front of a barb wired fence. While eating, the horses were trying to break into Mark's stuff to eat his apples. Then this curious guy came up to me, sniffing my tea and trying to snag the granola. What a goober. I broke down and gave him a little bite of apple. This only made him more interested of course and he proceeded to nibble on my hat.
Gotta love the equine. I'm sitting at a little diner 12 miles down the road. I made the executive decision that 9am is NOT too early for blueberry pie (although I did decline the ice cream), paired with a piping hot cup of jo', it proves to be quite the sensational experience. We've got 50+ miles to get to a cyclist's campground tonight. It's certainly time for a little laundry and personal hygiene. The through-biker dutch oven stench is starting to fester. Such is the life I have chosen. Well, time to push on over Union Pass, slightly below 10,000 feet. Reports say there is only a small amount of snow, and hopefully that proves to be true. Ride hard, Eat well, Live long. Ciao.The day progressed along nicely, and we met our first other northbound thru bikers. A super nice Danish couple riding through. Met them while fixing a flat and later ate lunch with them. It's nice to have some other folks around on the same venture as us.On the way out we harassed some construction workers and ended up obtaining some tyvek to use as a ground cloth. Mark has lost his ground cloth, and mine leaks- so now we're all set. We moved on after lunch in an effort to reach a hostel on the trail. We ended up finding them- Dave and JoAnn Martin at Aspen Meadows. Amazing people- they fed, cleaned, and housed us. Great people and great vibe. Mary, the sole female tour divide racer, rolled in while we were eating and is staying for the night. She's a super cool chick and it's great to see someone that's having a good bit of fun at the same time.Time to drink a little agua and get some sleep. Tomorrow we head out in the morning to start making our way to the Teton National Park. Day 40 - 6/25/08Start - beyond PinedaleEnd - Hwy 287 at Aspen Meadow HostelMileage - ~65 milesThe morning started off rather unique with a bunch of horses approaching us. We were stuck on a road section around 9:30pm, so we ended up sleeping in front of a barb wired fence. While eating, the horses were trying to break into Mark's stuff to eat his apples. Then this curious guy came up to me, sniffing my tea and trying to snag the granola. What a goober. I broke down and gave him a little bite of apple. This only made him more interested of course and he proceeded to nibble on my hat. Gotta love the equine. I'm sitting at a little diner 12 miles down the road. I made the executive decision that 9am is NOT too early for blueberry pie (although I did decline the ice cream), paired with a piping hot cup of jo', it proves to be quite the sensational experience. We've got 50+ miles to get to a cyclist's campground tonight. It's certainly time for a little laundry and personal hygiene. The through-biker dutch oven stench is starting to fester. Such is the life I have chosen. Well, time to push on over Union Pass, slightly below 10,000 feet. Reports say there is only a small amount of snow, and hopefully that proves to be true. The day progressed along nicely, and we met our first other northbound thru bikers. A super nice Danish couple riding through. Met them while fixing a flat and later ate lunch with them. It's nice to have some other folks around on the same venture as us. On the way out we harassed some construction workers and ended up obtaining some tyvek to use as a ground cloth. Mark has lost his ground cloth, and mine leaks- so now we're all set. We moved on after lunch in an effort to reach a hostel on the trail. We ended up finding them- Dave and JoAnn Martin at Aspen Meadows. Amazing people- they fed, cleaned, and housed us. Great people and great vibe. Mary, the sole female tour divide racer, rolled in while we were eating and is staying for the night. She's a super cool chick and it's great to see someone that's having a good bit of fun at the same time. Time to drink a little agua and get some sleep. Tomorrow we head out in the morning to start making our way to the Teton National Park. Ride hard, Eat well, Live long. Ciao. Sleepy time.
Start - beyond Pinedale
End - Hwy 287 at Aspen Meadow Hostel
Mileage - ~65 miles
The morning started off rather unique with a bunch of horses approaching us. We were stuck on a road section around 9:30pm, so we ended up sleeping in front of a barb wired fence. While eating, the horses were trying to break into Mark's stuff to eat his apples. Then this curious guy came up to me, sniffing my tea and trying to snag the granola. What a goober. I broke down and gave him a little bite of apple. This only made him more interested of course and he proceeded to nibble on my hat.
Hey Matt, good to see you're doing well. That rainbow festival sounds like quite a gathering, I'm sure it was interesting to say the least :-) I had a quick question, I'm looking for some parts for a used bike I got, and I was wondering if you knew of any places in either Athens or Augusta with a parts bin. Thanks man!
sorry, and this is Yoski btw :-)
Enjoying your posts immensesly Matt! Keep'em comin,
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